Neural Networks – A perceptron in Matlab

Neural networks can be used to determine relationships and patterns between inputs and outputs. A simple single layer feed forward neural network which has a to ability to learn and differentiate data sets is known as a perceptron.

Single layer feed forward perceptron

By iteratively “learning” the weights, it is possible for the perceptron to find a solution to linearly separable data (data that can be separated by a hyperplane). In this example, we will run a simple perceptron to determine the solution to a 2-input OR.

X1 or X2 can be defined as follows:

X1 X2 Out
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1

If you want to verify this yourself, run the following code in Matlab. Your code can further be modified to fit your personal needs. We first initialize our variables of interest, including the input, desired output, bias, learning coefficient and weights.

input = [0 0; 0 1; 1 0; 1 1];
numIn = 4;
desired_out = [0;1;1;1];
bias = -1;
coeff = 0.7;
weights = -1*2.*rand(3,1);

The input and desired_out are self explanatory, with the bias initialized to a constant. This value can be set to any non-zero number between -1 and 1. The coeff represents the learning rate, which specifies how large of an adjustment is made to the network weights after each iteration. If the coefficient approaches 1, the weight adjustments are modified more conservatively. Finally, the weights are randomly assigned.

A perceptron is defined by the equation:

Therefore, in our example, we have w1*x1+w2*x2+b = out
We will assume that weights(1,1) is for the bias and weights(2:3,1) are for X1 and X2, respectively.

One more variable we will set is the iterations, specifying how many times to train or go through and modify the weights.

iterations = 10;

Now the feed forward perceptron code.

for i = 1:iterations
     out = zeros(4,1);
     for j = 1:numIn
          y = bias*weights(1,1)+...
          out(j) = 1/(1+exp(-y));
          delta = desired_out(j)-out(j);
          weights(1,1) = weights(1,1)+coeff*bias*delta;
          weights(2,1) = weights(2,1)+coeff*input(j,1)*delta;
          weights(3,1) = weights(3,1)+coeff*input(j,2)*delta;

A little explanation of the code. First, the equation solving for ‘out’ is determined as mentioned above, and then run through a sigmoid function to ensure values are squashed within a [0 1] limit. Weights are then modified iteratively based on the delta rule.

When running the perceptron over 10 iterations, the outputs begin to converge, but are still not precisely as expected:

out = 
weights = 

As the iterations approach 1000, the output converges towards the desired output.

out = 
weights = 

As the OR logic condition is linearly separable, a solution will be reached after a finite number of loops. Convergence time can also change based on the initial weights, the learning rate, the transfer function (sigmoid, linear, etc) and the learning rule (in this case the delta rule is used, but other algorithms like the Levenberg-Marquardt also exist). If you are interested try to run the same code for other logical conditions like ‘AND’ or ‘NAND’ to see what you get.

While single layer perceptrons like this can solve simple linearly separable data, they are not suitable for non-separable data, such as the XOR. In order to learn such a data set, you will need to use a multi-layer perceptron.

55 thoughts on “Neural Networks – A perceptron in Matlab

  1. Thank you for this… It is worth mentioning that and alternative and widespread definition of perceptron is a neuron whose activation function is Heaviside step function (0 for x 0). The sigmoid function proposed here is an approximation off the Heaviside function. The sigmoid is actually better because, unlike the Heaviside function, it is continuous and the neural network is trained more efficiently (faster, does not get stuck)… It’s just some student required to implement the Heaviside function in an assignment should be getting slightly different results.

    • Just noticed that my definition of the Heaviside function in the brackets got transformed by this platform for some reason, after I had posted. What I meant to say: the function equals 0 for arguments below 0, it equals 0.5 at 0 and it equals 1 for arguments above 0.

  2. Can I use this code for ‘AND’ Gate by changing it like
    ‘desired_out = [0,0,0,1] ‘ ? IS this changing enough?
    and another question:
    does this OR Gate perceptron use the ‘step’ or ‘sign’ activation function?
    because I want to know that we can use hardlims function (sign) in AND Gate?is it possible?
    Thank you

  3. Hi everyone,
    I am trying to use this code for ‘AND’ by using the
    ‘desired_out = [0,0,0,1] ‘ but the result are same as for
    ‘OR’ .
    Please tell me how to implement AND !

  4. hi,
    I will like to ask
    in the code given above does not call
    something like this
    net=newff([0 2], [25,1], {‘tansig’,’purelin’},’trainlm’).
    It also will run as neural network in matlab??
    How matlab know it is neural network???

    • The code does not have net=newff([0 2], [25,1], {‘tansig’,’purelin’},’trainlm’).
      because the writer is not using the neural network toolbox in Matlab, but rather writing the ‘newff’ function code out. I hope I answer the little I can

  5. Bande de fainéants! Vous aimez ça avancer lentement pendant 11-12 heures? Vous appelez ça courir? Un marathon en 4 heures? Venez donc faire une VRAI course! L’olympique Esprit à mtl en septembre. Je vous éclate

  6. hi… this is my scilab code which is im using ann_PERCEPTRON function in scilab.

    // Define at the SCILAB command window, the training inputs and targets
    p = [57.80; 65.71; 47.91; 23.22; 43.85; 27.22; 23.36; 30.31; 58.78; 29.25; 42.29; 27.31; 56.12; 51.13; 57.36; 46.45; 25.76; 50.89; 30.69; 29.34; 72.11; 80.68; 28.90; 23.52; 53.28; 29.28; 25.22; 36.53; 25.92; 28.42; 20.70; 16.96; 16.13; 20.69; 20.85; 19.69; 18.37; 19.67; 17.61; 16.35; 18.13; 22.17; 17.19; 17.13; 18.45; 18.29; 17.91; 17.19; 21.47; 19.36];
    t = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];

    // Create the perceptron and Train it
    [w,b] = ann_PERCEPTRON(p,t);

    // To test the performance, simulate the perceptron with p
    y = ann_PERCEPTRON_run(p,w,b)

    for this code it show me the
    weight (w) = 50 x 50 value
    bias (b) = 50 value

    i have 50 value of input (p) and 50 value of output(t).
    what i just need is 50 value of weight (w) and only 1 value of bias (b).

    can anybody here’s help me….
    (sorry my bad english)

  7. I agree that exercise and ritteepion (and recovery) can improve your body and mind.But we can also push further as a way of working our system. In that case not only may we work the system but we may get better outcomes than by doing things the hardway.Example: I want to make a device that has little lights on it that you can wear. Option A (The Hard Way): I can try and create my own circuitry and learn all about making a PCB and create the device nearly from scratch.Option B (The Enlightened Way): I could adopt a simple existing miniature computer such as Arduino. Then the project gets up and running quickly and we get people trying the device sooner (more focus on the usability and how users will use the device). We eventually may do Option A to cut costs for manufacturing but by using a more rapid prototype mechanism, the product gets to testing faster and we succeed.

  8. I have a question about the first step that verify the parameter.

    In that,
    weights = -1*2.*rand(3,1); are given

    but I dont understand what means of

    In my opinion, parameter of weights are related with rand(3,1).
    Also, rand(3,1) and rand(‘state’,sum(100*clock)) is independent, so I think rand(‘state’,sum(100*clock))
    has no meaning in this code.

    Is it right?

    What means of rand(‘state’,sum(100*clock));.

    • I dont think rand(‘state’…) line is required either. It has something to do with intialising the random number generator. From what I could gather, the way the generator is initialised differently each time.It helps in making the weights as random as possible.

  9. hi dear
    how can i implement a back propagation algorithm in matlab without neural network toolbox
    and our input are matrices with variant dimension
    more over a curve for error
    best wish

  10. hi dear
    how can i implement a back propagation algorithm in matlab without neural network toolbox
    and our input are matrices with variant dimension
    more over a curve for error
    best wish

  11. hi dear
    how can i implement a back propagation algorithm in matlab without neural network toolbox
    and our input are matrices with variant dimension
    more over a curve for error
    best wish

  12. %is this correct for any number of input and output units?

    %define the corresponding input and output values (must have the same
    %amount of rows/patterns in each). Number of columns in each array are number of input
    %and output units respectively
    input = [1 1 1 0 0 0 1; 0 1 0 1 1 0 1; 0 1 1 0 1 1 0; 0 0 1 1 0 1 1;0 0 1 1 1 1 0; 0 1 0 0 1 1 1]
    desired_out = [1 0 0 0 0 0;0 1 0 0 0 0;0 0 1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1 0 0;0 0 0 0 1 0;0 0 0 0 0 1];
    %define number of units
    [numPat numIn] = size(input); %number of patterns (numPat) and number of input units (numIn)
    [r numOut]=size(desired_out); %number of output units (numOut)
    %set constants
    bias = -1;
    coeff = 0.7;
    %initiallise weights
    a = -2; %min random weight
    b= 2; %max random weight
    weights = a + (b-a).*rand(numIn,numOut+1);

    iterations = 200;

    for i = 1:iterations
    out = zeros(numPat,numOut);
    for j = 1:numPat %for each pattern
    for k = 1:numOut %for each output

    %sum all of the inputs (L) tot the output (k) for this pattern(j)
    y=bias*weights(k,numOut+1); %put bias in last weight slot. The bias is the innate bias of an output unit (k)
    for L = 1:numIn %for each input unit
    y = y+input(j,L)*weights(L,k); %cycle through the inputs (L) for the current pattern (j)

    %get the delta eror for the output unit (the output should
    %match the desired output)
    out(j,k) = 1/(1+exp(-y));
    delta = desired_out(j,k)-out(j,k);

    %adjust the weights
    for L=1:numIn
    weights(L,k)=weights(L,k)+coeff*input(j,L)*delta; %adjust weigh tfrom input (L) to output (k) for pattern (j)
    weights(k,numOut+1)=weights(k,numOut+1)+coeff*bias*delta; %adjust the bias for this output


  13. This is my code
    Class = [1 1 2 2];
    Agment = 1;
    V = [0;0;0];
    C = 1;
    X1 = [Agment;2;1];
    X2 = [Agment;2;5];
    X3 = [Agment;5;2];
    X4 = [Agment;4;6];
    X = [X1 X2 X3 X4];

    for I = 1 : size(X,2)
    if Class(1, I) == 2
    X(:, I) = X(:, I) * (-1);
    K = 1;
    for Step = 1 : 100
    t=(V’ * X(:, K));
    if (V’ * X(:, K)) <= 0
    V = V + (C * X(:, K));
    K = mod(K, size(X,2));
    K = K + 1;

  14. now i want to enter only 2 bit input and get the answer what should i do?? imean the input is a matrix and i want the i/ps only 2 bit [0 1] or[1 0] or [0 0] or[1 1]

    • %here it is, it works well
      clear out
      test=[1 1];
      y = bias*weights(1,1)+…
      out = 1/(1+exp(-y))

  15. hi
    i am just the beginner using the nn tool in matlab….the first question is when we have to give both inputs and outputs to the nn gui tool in feedforward algorithm then for what we are using it…..i mean if we have output then why do we need to use that tool….please someone help me…i am not able to understand anything…..PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    • neural network is a kind of thing that learn from experience. So by giving inputs and outputs we are train’n it to recognize another input which is similar in pattern we trained. In here, by giving inputs and outputs we are train’n the network.

  16. Hi,
    Could you please tell how to implement perceptron when we have an image of size(say 50×50) as input and more than one output(say 5 options)..

  17. Question again why are there 3 weights? and i tried solving the weight output but it doesnt give me the correct answer like
    input 1 = 1;
    input 2 = 1;
    desired output = 1;

    the weight given to me by the code after i executed the code is

    1×36.2816 = 36.2816
    1×24.0756 = 24.0756

    Bias = -1
    36.2816+24.0756+(-1) = 59.3572

    why is the answer not 1?

  18. Pingback: Neural Networks – A perceptron in Matlab – PIYABUTE FUANGKHON

  19. hi all,
    I have a question and i really need help coz I’ve tried everything but in vain.
    i have a matrix A = [k x 1] where k = 10,000 and ranging, say, from a to b, randomly.
    I need to get a matrix B = [m x 1] from A, where m is from a to c ( a<c<b),…
    basically, i want to do is to "shrink" A and get a smaller matrix B.

    Thanks everybody.


    • From your question, I’m assuming something like the following?:

      % Preallocate a random 10000 x 1 matrix A
      A = rand(10000,1);
      a = min(A)
      b = max(A)
      % set c = to a random value in between a and b. Lets choose 0.5 for this example
      c = 0.5
      % Then create B for between a and b
      B = A(A<=c) % Can also use the following, though the second part is redundant in this case B = A(A<=c & A>=a)

  20. should’t the input entered be:

    input = [0 0; 1 0; 0 1; 1 1];

    Instead of….

    input = [0 0; 0 1; 1 0; 1 1];

    I’m sure I’m just confused but I need to use the following input data (and am uncertain about how to enter it):
    X1=0, 0, 1, 1
    X2=0, 1, 0, 1

    would it be

    input = [0 0;0 1; 1 0; 1 1]


    input = [0 0;1 0;0 1;1 1]

    Your help would be much appreciated

    • You are correct. In our example here for OR, both [1 0] and [0 1] map to an output of 1 though, so it works still.

      If you have a matrix of inputs = [X1 X2] which are defined as follows:
      X1=0, 0, 1, 1
      X2=0, 1, 0, 1

      Then you would use this:
      input = [0 0;0 1; 1 0; 1 1]

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  21. Hello

    I’ve tried this example. I always get same results:


    I don’t know what is wrong with my code. please help. here is my code
    input =[0 0; 0 1; 1 0; 1 1];
    numIn = 4;
    desired_out = [0;1;1;1];
    bias = -1;
    coeff = 1;
    %rand(‘state’, sum(100*clock));
    weights = -1*2.*rand(3,1);
    iterations = 10000;

    for i =1:iterations
    out = zeros(4,1);
    for j=1:numIn
    y = bias*weights(1,1)+…
    out(j) = 1/(1+exp(-y));

  22. hi, thanks for the good explaination about perceptron.
    I hv one question, this program is to train the input right?? i’m going to test the input for classification using perceptron ?

  23. David,
    I don’t know if I follow your question. You could plot the results, residuals, MSE errors or other variables over each iteration. If you want to do something like this, that would be possible. If this isn’t what you were looking for, let me know.


  24. hi
    thank you for having this brief and useful tutorial.
    I’d really appreciate if you send me a multilayer perceptron implementation using matlab .
    best regards.

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